Decorating: Collections

This was originally posted on on November 2, 2011.

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Yesterday, I was stumbling and I came across this. “This” is pictures and ideas of 40 different living rooms, and from “this” (ok, I’ll stop doing that) I saw four awesome photos of collections that I love.

I especially love the first one, with the silver platters on the wall. I’m not a big fan of the texture on the wall, but I collect silver, and would love it if I could do this on a wall in my house (you know, when I get one). It’s a great way to feature an odd collection (such as plates or silver platters)

The second one is awesome because I love letters. You can find type setters blocks at antique stores, giant letters and places like Marshall’s and TJMaxx, JoAnn’s and Michael’s have paper mache and wooden letters that can be painted, decoupaged, whatever. I’ve seen giant letters at Pottery Barn, West Elm, and everyone has mugs and pretty much anything with a monogram.

I love clocks. And I love knowing the time in other cities. I first saw this here years ago while stumbling, but I also really love this way of displaying clocks:

I actually plan to do this at some point, if I can ever find cheap mechanical alarm clocks!

Finally, I’m in love with frame collages. Young House Love has an entire hallway of picture frames, collaged together, and I WILL do this.

You can see more of this here. And here. Now, I’m off to do more NaNo sprints.

What inspires you to design? Do you like these ideas? How to you feel about textured walls?